Diminish Facial Wrinkles...Really!

Desperate to smooth weathered skin and reverse the signs of aging and sun damage, I know many people who are quick to shell out the big bucks for what they hope will be miracle anti-aging creams. But do expensive products and skin restorative prescriptions really work any better than more affordable over-the-counter cosmetics?

According to a recent study published in the British Journal of Dermatology, not necessarily. No 7 Protect & Perfect Intense Beauty Serum, a reasonably priced product sold at many drugstores, has been shown to smooth wrinkles and fine lines, and produce younger, healthier looking skin after 12 months of use.

While many cosmetics claim to reverse the signs of aging and sun-damage, few actually fulfill their promises. In fact, the majority of anti-aging products on the market haven't even been rigorously tested. However, No 7 Protect & Perfect Beauty Serum, the original version of the cosmetic currently being tested, No 7 Protect & Perfect Intense Beauty Serum, was methodically assessed a few years ago and proven to stimulate the production of Fibrillin-1 (a protein that stimulates skin elasticity) in photoaged skin. Researchers wanted to make certain that the updated version also produced Fibrillin-1, as well as repaired sun-damaged skin as effectively as prescription retinoid creams.

In the study, 60 male and female volunteers with moderately sun-damaged skin between the ages of 45 and 80 participated in a double-blind randomized controlled trial to test the product's performance. 30 participants were provided with the No 7 Protect & Perfect Intense Beauty Serum, and 30 were given a placebo containing no anti-aging ingredients. Neither the volunteers nor the researchers knew who had received which formula. Participants were told to apply their cream to their face and hands once daily, for 6 months. Researchers examined their skin before the trial began to assess a baseline, then again after 1, 3 and 6 months of use. During the last 6 months of the study, all volunteers received No 7 Protect & Perfect Intense Beauty Serum. The results showed that the individuals who had used the real cosmetic the entire time had significantly fewer facial wrinkles after 12 months of daily use as compared to volunteers who had used a placebo. Thus, the findings demonstrate that this particular over-the-counter cosmetic does indeed rejuvenate sun-damaged and wrinkled skin following long-term use.

So, next time you're lured by exorbitantly priced products that claim seemingly impossible feats such as wrinkle-free, radiant skin in mere minutes, hold onto your hard-earned cash and head to your local drugstore for a cheaper remedy (that actually works) instead.

Improve Your Skin With Exercise

Improve Your Skin With Exercise

Fitness for your skin?

We know that exercise does wonders for our body. Physical activity strengthens our heart, muscles, overall health, and keeps us looking toned and in shape. But does fitness improve the condition of our skin as well? Curious to learn more about the effects of exercise on our skin, I turned to a couple of experts to find out. Annet King is the Director of Training and Education at Dermalogica, and Dr. Helen Flamenbaum is a dermatologist who practices on Long Island in New York.

Does exercise improve our skin? If so, how?

Annet King: Any increase to the body's circulation will improve the look of the skin, as well as boost detoxification and cell renewal. I don't think there are any studies that show which exercises are best, but of course yoga and more stress-relieving exercises help to smooth lines (as the muscles are contracted in the face) and lower stress hormone levels, which could be seen as helpful for our skin.
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Dr. Helen Flamenbaum: Exercise is good for every organ in the body. Since the skin is the largest organ it goes without saying that the skin benefits as well. Perspiration acts as a body cooler during exercise and this enables your body temperature to be maintained.

Are there certain circumstances in which exercise can actually be bad for our skin?

King: For people with a lot of redness in their skin tone, or who have Rosacea, aerobic (cardio) activity can exacerbate the condition as blood flow is increased. Some people believe that cardio and running can cause more oxygen or free radical damage, which can break or damage the skin's supportive fibers (collagen and elastin).

Flamenbaum: Exercise can aggravate acne and Rosacea, as well as produce different kinds of skin irritations. For example, Exercise-Induced Urticaria, which is relatively uncommon, can cause people to break out in hives after exercising. Intertrigo is a yeast-related rash triggered by two areas of the skin rubbing together and chafing, such as the groin, armpit and creases of the neck. Miliaria is another kind of fitness-induced inflammation caused by the sweat gland ducts becoming clogged with dead skin cells or bacteria, which can lead to clusters of small blisters and uncomfortable itching. Also, current rashes may become worsened due to the heat and sweat produced by exercise.

Do you have any suggestions for maintaining a healthy, youthful looking glow, and is there anything else we should know about exercise and our skin?

King: The best advice is to work out without make up on, especially if you are prone to breakouts. Thoroughly cleanse you skin after a workout as toxins from sweat and oil increase when we exercise. Keep some skin purifying wipes in your gym bag. Drink plenty of water as you exercise so your skin does not become dehydrated. For someone who is an exercise junkie and also suffers from acne, try to incorporate some yoga into your routine to bring down the stress adrenal hormonal levels. This will help clear the skin, because stress hormones and acne are very much related.

Flamenbaum: An interesting point regarding exercise and skin is that many people assume they can rid themselves of cellulite with physical fitness. Not so! Cellulite is not improved by exercise. Unfortunately, there is no cure for cellulite at this point.

How to Make Your Own Beauty Products

How to Make Your Own Beauty Products

Did you know that grapes can soothe and cleanse your skin? That bananas soften and smooth your skin and honey cleanses, tones and hydrates? You can use these and other ingredients to create your own beauty products. Not only do they cost a fraction of the price of beauty products at stores, but they are also healthy and free of many harmful chemicals. **Allow all facials and moisturizers to sit 10-15 minutes before rinsing with warm water.


Make a perfect facial scrub from grapes. Mash a handful of grapes. Strain them to separate the pulp from the juice. Remove the skins and mash the pulp and juice with 1 tablespoon of almond flour.
Make a facial mask with honey and bananas. Make sure the bananas are not overripe. Mash 1 banana with 3 tbs. honey.

For a skin softening bath, add 1/4 cup honey and 1 cup of milk to the water.
4. Honey also makes a moisturizing face mask, as well as a hair rinse for silky strands. For the mask, rub honey on your face and let sit for 15 minutes. For the hair rinse, mix 1 tbs. into 2 liters of warm water and pour over your hair. Don't rinse out- style as usual.
Apples and pears are mild astringents. Make a quick mask by grating a large apple or pear and mixing it with 1 tbs. of honey.
6. Use whole milk yogurt as a face mask to calm redness from the wind, sun, or harsh products. Put whole-milk yogurt on face and let sit for 15 minutes.
Use Aloe Vera gel as an astringent for oily skin. Aloe Vera gel is also great for thickening hair. Massage it into your scalp then leave it for 15 minutes before rinsing. Mix it with glitter for a softening body gel.
8. Add a tsp. of baking soda to your shampoo. It helps remove hair-product buildup. Baking soda can also loosen blackheads. Combine equal parts soda and water and rub the mixture into your skin, let sit until dry, then rinse.
Mix 1 tbs. sugar with a few drops of olive oil for a sweet facial exfoliant. This can be mixed in larger quantities for full body exfoliation.
10. Use eggs to give you strong, shiny hair. Mix two eggs with 1/4 cup vegetable oil and coat your hair with the mixture. Wrap hair in plastic and leave on over night. In the morning, make sure to wash it out very well, or else you'll smell like eggs for the rest of the day!
11. Mix 2 tbs sugar with 1 tsp. milk for a face scrub.
12. For softer and silkier skin, apply wet tea leaves to your face, and let them lie on your face, for 15 minutes of longer. Apply moisturise to your face afterwards.


  • add a few drops of athesum sex oil to some of the products above.
  • Mix and match some of the above ingredients to create your own natural beauty products.
  • Search online for more pantry spa natural beauty recipes and tips.


  • If you are allergic to bee pollen, you may be allergic to honey. Do not use any of the above containing honey if you are at risk for allergic reaction.
  • Never use any of the above products if they contain an ingredient you are allergic to.
  • Always read the instructions for use of essential oils very carefully as some may react with others and most should be used in very specific quantities only. Test for allergic reactions first (or ask the pharmacist for more information) and if pregnant, a child or immuno-suppressed, only use oils with a physician's agreement.
  • If you choose to wash your hair with egg, be sure not to use too hot of water, or you'll end up with scrambled eggs in your hair-- literally!

Appliquer un duo d'ombres à paupières

Regard asymétrique

Aline Schmitt, grande maquilleuse de studio, a réalisé pour vous un maquillage asymétrique tout en discrétion.Grande tendance du moment, ce make up ne se repère pas tout de suite mais donne de la profondeur et du piquant au regard.

1. Unifier les paupières avec un fard beige-champagne pour y faire jouer la lumière.
2. Tracer sur la paupière supérieure droite un trait de crayon noir, au ras des cils. Même chose mais sous la paupière inférieure gauche. Estomper.
3. Avec un khôl brun, dessiner un trait au ras des cils inférieurs de l’œil droit, et au ras des cils supérieurs de l’œil gauche. Estomper également.
4. Poser un voile d’anthracite argent, tout en transparence, au coin interne de l’œil droit et au coin externe de l’œil gauche en traçant un «>».
5. Ajouter de la même façon un voile d’or, très transparent lui aussi, au coin interne de l’œil gauche, et externe de l’œil droit.

Astuces de Pro : l’ombre se pose sur un quart seulement de la surface de la paupière et s’estompe délicatement. Les teintes de crayon et d’ombres poudres doivent être de même intensité pour ne pas « heurter » le regard.

Le Bon Choix Fard : Illuminateur beige Mister Light n°1 Givenchy, Crayon eye-liner noir Dior Brun, Phyto Khôl Star Brown Sisley, Ombre à paupière Or n°9 Armani, Ombre Essentielle Gold Chanel Yellow 330, Shu Uemura Eye Shadow French Grey, MAC Ombre Elipse Eyes, Songe Argenté Lancôme, Pinceau ombre à paupière n°10 Shu Uemura.

crise et la beauté ?

crise et la beauté ?

Beauté_visage.jpgLa crise influe-t-elle sur le budget beauté ? Entre débrouillardise et conseils d’initiées, les beauty addicts ne se laissent pas démonter et se refilent leurs bons plans sur le blog :

Serena : « Même si je dois faire attention, pas question de faire l’impasse sur mes produits fétiches. Donc je ruse : je mise sur les formats XXL (il y en a de plus en plus, et de bonne qualité) pour le gel douche, la crème corps ou le shampoing ; par contre, pour le make-up (notamment la Touche Eclat d’Yves Saint-Laurent, un indispensable selon moi) et la crème de jour, je n’hésite pas à mettre le prix ».

Mathilde : « Avant d’acheter un produit, je teste quasiment tout grâce aux mini-doses distribuées chez Sephora ou Marionnaud. Après, je choisis en connaissance de cause, je ne craque plus sur des choses qui, finalement, ne me conviennent pas tant que ça (et que je refilais à mes amies). J’achète de manière plus raisonnée et moins compulsive, mais au bout du compte le plaisir est plus grand ».

Françoise : « Je suis devenue accro aux jeux et aux concours, sur le Net notamment. Sur le blog de Votre Beauté, j’ai déjà gagné un parfum, une poudre de soleil et un shampoing, le tout en quelques clics… En plus, il y a un côté ludique qui me plaît ; c’est très rassurant de voir qu’en se creusant un peu les méninges, on y arrive ».

Nathalie : « Avec mes collègues de bureau, on a organisé des « beauty-mardis » : un mardi par mois, on se retrouve après le travail et on échange les produits dont on ne veut plus, par lassitude ou parce qu’on s’est trompé au moment de l’achat. Le principe : ce sont toujours des produits récents et en bon état. On en profite pour échanger des idées de maquillage ou de coiffure… Une vraie bulle d’air, entre famille et boulot ».

Et vous, avez-vous des astuces beauté anti-crise ? La crise a-t-elle réduit votre budget beauté ?
Laissez-nous vos commentaires et partagez vos bonnes idées !





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